In the eyes of the Democratic Party, those people who are labeled as “African Americans” are “special.” They treat an entire race of people as if they are mentally deficient children that are incapable of living as equals among everyone else. Like overprotective parents they have determined that you are perpetually unprepared to be treated like individuals. You just aren't ready to be judged on your own creativity, intelligence, determination and efforts. This treatment, by the Democratic Party, is the height of cruelty.
The Democratic Party, through their treatment of the “group” they refer to as “African Americans,” has taken on the role of a repentant abuser. Generations ago there was slavery and they have convinced themselves that they “broke” you and it's their responsibility to take care of you. They deny you the capacity to think and act as an individual. They have tried to tie an anchor around your collective necks in an attempt to keep you in perpetual subservience. You are their children and they love you too much to free you.
Special rules must be established just for you. You have to be given special consideration, because you're not good enough to compete on your own. You are pitied and therefore expectations are lowered for you. They pity you, but they won't tell you the sad truth. You can't respect somebody that you pity.
Like “special” children you are treated with kid gloves. You've been robbed of your pride, with degrading policies that make sure your achievements are made hollow because of “special treatment.” You work hard to achieve great things, but you have to deal with whispers like “affirmative action” and “quotas.” They rob you of a chance for victory, because they think you can't win without their help. They take pride in your achievements. Your hard work gives them the same satisfaction as donating to charity. You're no longer their slaves, but they are exploiting your labor.
To deny your individualism is cruel. To judge you based on just a small part of who you are is cruel. To treat you like a mentally deficient child is cruel. To rob so many people of their personal pride and sense of self determination ... it's the height of cruelty. The Democratic Party pities you. They can't respect people that they pity.
MBP, you are the wind beneath my burqa.
"It sickens me the way that the left has turned the melting pot into a pie chart"
Awesome line.
Excellent blog!
I grew up in a multiracial neighborhood. We were the Asian/Pacific Islander/whatever part of our block. The race makeup is/was black, white, & Mexican neighbors.........we threw block parties, & looked out for each other.
After awhile, I didn't identify my neighbors by their race, I saw them as PEOPLE.
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